Project #2

I have seen so many beautiful dioramas online that I was inspired to start creating some of my own. This living room scene is my first. I know its very basic but I had a lot of fun doing it and learnt a lot of lessons along the way.

A few things to note:

  1. I didn’t make most of the stuff because I had some Barbie furniture lying around i.e. the sofa that Barbie is sitting on, the table for her laptop and the table with the snacks on, etc.
  2. The display case next to Barbie is something I got from the Dollar Store. I then gathered accessories from different Barbie playsets and/or outfits for the required shelf of knick knacks.
  3. I made the cushions and rug on the floor which is as simple as sewing 2 rectangular pieces of fabric together for the rug and smaller pieces for the cushions.
  4. The curtains were necessary to complement the window in the diorama. Sorry I don’t have a better picture of the window but I lost some photos when I switched phones 😦 I simply used a wooden dowel to hang the curtains and glued them to the wall.
  5. Stacey’s seat is actually a small gift box.
  6. I made the walls of the diorama approx. 15 inches high. I thought this height was perfect for Barbie and friends because this measurement gave the walls of the diorama height and made it easier to photograph.

Anyone can create dioramas. All it takes is a little patience and ideas to create certain elements when you don’t want to spend too much money buying ready made stuff.