Joanna Ng

When did you start collecting?
In 2000

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What prompted you to purchase your first doll? What is the first doll you purchased?

I’ve loved Barbie dolls since young but my family was very poor and could not afford to buy me any. However, my neighbour had a few dolls in a display cabinet and I would stare longingly at them whenever I visited. I also had a wealthy classmate who used to invite me to her home sometimes to play with her Barbie dolls. She had many beautiful dolls in addition to an amazing Barbie doll house with a working lift! I was in such awe that I promised myself that when I grew up and started working I would buy myself many dolls as well.  That’s how I become a Barbie doll collector and the thought of stopping has never entered my mind.


The first doll I purchased as an adult collector was Madam Du Barbie.  I saw an ad for her in the Straits Times and rushed down to the shop to buy her. I’ve since been a regular customer of that shop and made purchases of other Bob Mackie dolls as well.

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What types of Barbies do you collect?
I collect a broad spectrum from play lines to the special and limited editions which are now called Black & Platinum Label dolls.

What kinds of Barbies would you love to see on store shelves?
 I’d love to see dolls created with better quality clothes an accessories as I find too many cases of plastic sticking to clothing and leather cracking and disintegrating. Where it’s necessary to tie up a doll’s hair, I suggest using thread instead of elastic bands which tends to disintegrate in Singapore’s oppressive heat and humidity. I am also not a fan of dolls with oily scalp and hair as its very difficult to get rid off. Urghhh!
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Do you have any tips or advice for other collectors?
#1 My tip on caring for my dolls is to clean them up occasionally using wet towels. I find it easy to maintain my collection so that it’s not a hassle collecting and displaying them at all.
#2 Debox your dolls as soon as possible otherwise some dolls might become mouldy in our climate. Look at the pictures of the Pink Silkstone and Venetian Opulence below where you can see the damage quite clearly. I have also found that the arms of some of my older dolls have fallen off.
#3 When deboxing your dolls use a pair of
scissors with long blades as this will be helpful
in cutting away any bindings or plastic. Be carefuland take your time so that you do not damage any of the clothes or accessories while you are removing them.